Road Scholars on an Eduvacation!
Yes, we're moving on again, but this time like we mean it. In an RV.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

remembering yellowstone!

I haven't had a chance to put together our scrapbook yet, but here's the title page. We were lucky to see moose, coyotes, bison, pronghorn, elk, white-tailed deer, and a golden eagle (we also saw lizards, rabbits, ravens, many other birds, including Gray Jays that we don't have at home, and a prairiedog). We didn't see bears, wolves, otters, or beavers, all of which were on my list of hopeful sightings, darn it, but there were so many things to learn and discover that this vacation will be well-remembered. In the family photos above, we are at the Tetons and bundled up in front of Old Faithful (it snowed about an hour later!)


Unknown said...

Whose the bald guy? ;p

Kelli said...

LOL - that's my hunka hunka burnin' love!

Toad said...

Nope the guy I knew had hair and was named Jeff! Where did you lock him up at?