Yes, we're moving on again, but this time like we mean it. In an RV.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A beautiful sight
Ohmygosh, this is the most beautiful thing. It brings back such wonderful memories of nursing my older kids (Rhanna till she was 7, Thane till he was 4), and makes me sad to be missing out on that with Emrys (who only made it to 6 months due to his illness and hospital stay). This world would be a much nicer place if seeing this natural relationship was more common. (Thanks, Linda, for passing this on!)
What a beautiful video... I breastfed Lucas until he was 1 year and 8 months old, when he refused it. My heart was broken! I still had milk - I always donated weekly my milk to a local "milk bank" s full my breasts were, but I respected him and was thankfull to be able to nurture him for his long. I just can't understand a woman like Jennifer Lopez qho decides NOT breastfeeding his twins! If you can't, ok, but refusing to?! My brain can't process this... Oh, your kids were blessed! And I mea also Emyr, because even not being able to nurture him ike you wished, I'm sure your love fed him the same way.
How wonderful that you were able to donate milk to a milkbank. Is that common in Brazil? Do they have a lot of laws about it? Do they end up pasteurizing the milk? Americans are generally squeamish about breastmilk (argh!), but I think more people might be considering the idea of milkbanks as a positive idea. In any case, there are only a handful of milkbanks here in this country, and babies can only get the milk by prescription. The studipest thing is that the milk is pasteurized, which basically ruins it anyway, so pretty much the ridiculous amount of trouble everyone went to is wasted. People can be so idiotic.
It is becoming more and more common thanks to tv ads with local actresses. You're not obliged to donate, there are probably laws about it somehow, and it's for free of course. No, it's not pasteurized! I would freeze it along the week after bombing it out (hope it's the right expression), and put it into sterilized glass containers (usualy coffee glasses) and on Fridays the nurse from the milkbank would collect from our neighbour area. It would go straight to little babies whose moms didn't have milk, for new-borns, many times the milk is given through a dropper so small they are! They send it to hospitals, houses, without prescription. I never knew to whom my milk was going, but it really didn't matter. We have some banks in each district, which is wonderful when you think of how manylittle babies need the milk! Breastfeeding is largely supported in Brazil, thankfully. I remember that it used to be a marathon. I would nurutre Lucas in the morning before going to work, leaving bottles of my frozen milk to Rodrigo give him, then a tlunch time I was back to nurture him again, with one more bottle full with the milk I took at work, and in the evening when I arrived, there were more bottles and I'd feed him again. This way until Lucas was six months old, he only got my milk as food. Only then we started to introduce vegetables and fruits to his diet, along with the milk. It was great.
I love this video and thank you for sharing. I am still nursing Maya who is now 22 months. I am so glad to be able to find support from you as there are many people around me who say "you have to stop when they start lifting up your shirt to nurse." Well, my Maya started doing that before she was one (she is brilliant due to my breastmilk is what I say :P ). Some days I do feel like she'll never give up the breast, but I also know that I'll be sad the day she is done. My ex-boss and his wife introduced me to the concept of attachment parenting and I am so thankful that they did. She nursed her daughter until she was almost 3, and she is an amazing child. Kelli, I look forward to more of your postings on your blog as they are always encouraging for me. And Nydia, thanks for the info on milk banks. I don't know if they have that here in Canada. And pasteurizing breastmilk? Common sense tells me that it defeats the purpose of having breastmilk. I never understood women who refuse to nurse either. It just seems like a no brainer to me.
What a beautiful video... I breastfed Lucas until he was 1 year and 8 months old, when he refused it. My heart was broken! I still had milk - I always donated weekly my milk to a local "milk bank" s full my breasts were, but I respected him and was thankfull to be able to nurture him for his long. I just can't understand a woman like Jennifer Lopez qho decides NOT breastfeeding his twins! If you can't, ok, but refusing to?! My brain can't process this...
Oh, your kids were blessed! And I mea also Emyr, because even not being able to nurture him ike you wished, I'm sure your love fed him the same way.
How wonderful that you were able to donate milk to a milkbank. Is that common in Brazil? Do they have a lot of laws about it? Do they end up pasteurizing the milk? Americans are generally squeamish about breastmilk (argh!), but I think more people might be considering the idea of milkbanks as a positive idea. In any case, there are only a handful of milkbanks here in this country, and babies can only get the milk by prescription. The studipest thing is that the milk is pasteurized, which basically ruins it anyway, so pretty much the ridiculous amount of trouble everyone went to is wasted. People can be so idiotic.
It is becoming more and more common thanks to tv ads with local actresses. You're not obliged to donate, there are probably laws about it somehow, and it's for free of course. No, it's not pasteurized! I would freeze it along the week after bombing it out (hope it's the right expression), and put it into sterilized glass containers (usualy coffee glasses) and on Fridays the nurse from the milkbank would collect from our neighbour area. It would go straight to little babies whose moms didn't have milk, for new-borns, many times the milk is given through a dropper so small they are! They send it to hospitals, houses, without prescription. I never knew to whom my milk was going, but it really didn't matter.
We have some banks in each district, which is wonderful when you think of how manylittle babies need the milk! Breastfeeding is largely supported in Brazil, thankfully. I remember that it used to be a marathon. I would nurutre Lucas in the morning before going to work, leaving bottles of my frozen milk to Rodrigo give him, then a tlunch time I was back to nurture him again, with one more bottle full with the milk I took at work, and in the evening when I arrived, there were more bottles and I'd feed him again. This way until Lucas was six months old, he only got my milk as food. Only then we started to introduce vegetables and fruits to his diet, along with the milk. It was great.
I love this video and thank you for sharing. I am still nursing Maya who is now 22 months. I am so glad to be able to find support from you as there are many people around me who say "you have to stop when they start lifting up your shirt to nurse." Well, my Maya started doing that before she was one (she is brilliant due to my breastmilk is what I say :P ). Some days I do feel like she'll never give up the breast, but I also know that I'll be sad the day she is done. My ex-boss and his wife introduced me to the concept of attachment parenting and I am so thankful that they did. She nursed her daughter until she was almost 3, and she is an amazing child.
Kelli, I look forward to more of your postings on your blog as they are always encouraging for me.
And Nydia, thanks for the info on milk banks. I don't know if they have that here in Canada. And pasteurizing breastmilk? Common sense tells me that it defeats the purpose of having breastmilk. I never understood women who refuse to nurse either. It just seems like a no brainer to me.
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