Just saying hello today. :)
Thane is teaching himself to play the recorder, Rhanna is reading about Elizabeth I, Emrys is having a low-blood-sugar day and isn't doing much at all (but at least he isn't whining, either), and I am sitting here mentally doing all the things that need doing. Not *actually* doing anything, but thinking really hard. In my MIND, the closets are reorganized, the garage is cleaned out, all my doll orders are finished, and I have a freezer full of meals all ready-made. Wow, in my mind I am SOOO efficient!
Here was my belly about 2 weeks ago at 24 weeks - I'll post a 26-week photo in a few days.

Hey Kelli, I haven't checked over here in donkeys years...LOL. Sent you an invite to my personal blog, made it private again but am letting in a select few. The other blogs are staying open. But need a rant space, LOL.
PS, I can't wait to see what little surprise is gonna be!
Ha! I love that trick.
KNowing well how much hard work you'll have when this little one is born, you're right to keep relaxed and let only your mindwork these days! :o)
Loved the photo, you looks gorgeous with your lovely belly, and Emrys is super-cute as usual!
Kisses from us.
I am no doctor but you may be pregnant.
Kelli, it ok for you to change my email address for the Dancing Goddess Dolls giveaways? That one was my ex-job's, and now I'm only working with nydia.maria@laposte.net or nydiamac@gmail.com, I weekly open both of them. Thank you!
And take good caer of this beauty belly! :o)
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